Where They Stand, and Fall

WILLIAM FRANKLIN GRAHAM, (1918-) - 20th century 'humanistic' evangelist (Contemporary)

graham.jpg (8844 bytes)Because of modern communications and his world-wide influence, the statements and actions of Billy Graham have probably done more for the advancement of the theology of religious humanism and the blurring of biblical Christianity than any other individual in history.

"The Bible teaches that Adam and Eve were created to worship and serve God.  However, they also had complete free will, and they chose to turn their backs on God by disobeying Him."

"I think it is important to see that if God had not given Adam and Eve the choice between good and evil, they would have been like puppets because they could have done only what God wanted them to do."  

"...God has given us free will."

"Christ will not compel you.  He doesn't force His way into anybody's life.  He stands and knocks at your heart's door and asks you to open the door (Revelation 3:20).  You can say no to Christ.  You can shake your fist at Him if  you want to and there's nothing He can do about it (!), because He gave you a [sovereign] will of your own...It's a matter of personal choice."   [emphasis mine]

Three decades ago, Kenneth Good wrote, "The principles proposed by the Remonstrants, as derived from Arminianism, if carried out to their logical conclusions, result in Theological Liberalism.  The principles of Theological Liberalism, in turn, when carried out governmentally, lead first to mild Socialism, and ultimately to stronger Communism.  These successive phases may require considerable time to develop, and may, by the grace of God, and by genuine spiritual awakening through true Biblical ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit, be interrupted or arrested.  When they are not, disaster looms."

The May 16, 2005 cover story for the leftist newspaper USA Today, read The gospel of Billy Graham: Inclusion.  The laudatory article highlighted the Reverend's long religious career (at age 86, Billy was 'warming up' for his 417th "crusade" in New York City).  The style of the article attempts to draw parallels to John Paul II, but particularly focuses upon Graham's effort to "deliberately stand apart from the religious right" and supposedly assume an apolitical (neutral) position and cultivate "affection" for left-wing Democrats like Hillary and Bill Clinton.  This Arminian and Southern Baptist evangelist, neo-evangelical leader, now occupies the land of theological liberalism.  "There are a lot of groups that feel a little bit strange around me, because I am inclusive," said Graham.  No doubt!

Also see:

Dr. Billy Graham ~ Miles J. Stanford (circa '70s)

Also see, Billy Graham and His Friends by Cathy Burns, Mt. Carmel, PA: Sharing, 2001, 788 pages, paperback, $21.95

William "Franklin" Graham III (1952-), eldest son of Billy, carries on the theological tradition of his father.  Franklin is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (and 'tough lookin' dude' - click on Franklin Graham link) for the international relief organization, SAMARITAN'S PURSE.

Q. Are you suggesting there is nothing of value in Billy Graham's ministry and that what the majority of the evangelical world sees as a ministry of humility, integrity and effectiveness is really a "bane on the Body of Christ"?

A. The "evangelical world" suffers from a serious lack of discernment.  Billy Graham and his Arminian-evangelical ministry, embraced principles from Charles Finney’s1 revivalism2Graham was never accepted among 1) most fundamentalists, and 2) among believer’s who hold to the sovereignty of God rather than the sovereignty of man.  Any so-called universal acceptance for Billy Graham only exists in the minds of his anglo-catholic3 admirers.


His cultural popularity has not been a reflection of God’s endorsement (in my opinion), but rather is attributable to a humanistic religionist being at the right place (a ‘Methodistized America) and at the right time (a modernized, humanistic second-half of the 20th century). The use of mass media techniques certainly contributed to his success, but it was his humanistic theology, which seemed to reconcile Scripture with 'common sense,' which endeared him to a majority of Christians. Consistent with the effects of his Arminian theology, Graham has continued his ecumenical and liberal drift which is today reflected in an unorthodox religious syncretism. Herein is the "bane" in its full expression.


1 - Finney's Finis

2 - REVIVALISM: the practice of holding special meetings once or twice a year involving outside leadership (a stranger to the individual problems), and the devastating revival routine (confession, new resolutions, etc.), in the hope that something will change -- but it rarely does, and then not for long.

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