Chafer Theological Seminary

A review of a critical portion of the doctrinal statement of Chafer Theological Seminary, (CTS) Orange, California discloses the following.  CTS was founded by former graduates of Dallas Theological Seminary, the institution established by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer.  Today, both of these institutions and their professors are far from the original theological and dispensational perspectives of Dr. Chafer.  Dr. Chafer would be sadly disappointed to find his name associated with a seminary which rejects the doctrine of unconditional election and is promoting the humanistic doctrine of philosophic indeterminism.  Under CTS's section heading, Soteriology (The Study of Salvation), is printed the following:

Genuine Offer of Salvation. Since it is impossible for God to be unfair to any person, and since He loves all men equally, desires all men to be saved, is not willing that any should perish, and invites all men to be saved, He freely and graciously offers salvation to all men. The drawing ministries of the Father and the Son and the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit make it genuinely possible for any member of the human race to receive the Lord Jesus Christ..."

Election. We believe Scripture reveals two clear and indisputable lines of evidence. One line shows God sovereignly choosing His own in Christ; the other shows man possessing the function of volition, able to receive or reject God’s uniquely born Son..."

Means of Salvation. God neither overrules nor implants mankind’s volition in accepting or rejecting His provision of salvation.

Similar to most varieties of Wesleyan/Arminianism, CTS does not acknowledge the traditional and limited use of the term "volition," rather they mean libertarian/autonomous free will.  Hear and take note of a few of Dr. Chafer's remarks on the above subjects.

"That some of His creation serve one purpose and some another is itself a matter of divine [His] choice.  Human resentment* arises only when it is indicated that some are more favored than others respecting destiny.  Were God thought to be an ungoverned tyrant, it could be allowed that He might do as He pleases with His own, whether this prove right or wrong; but when it has been disclosed [in the Word] that He is infinitely righteous and holy and that He is actuated by infinite love, difficulty will arise in the natural mind over how God can have elect people for whom He achieves more than He does for others or how some can be blessed while others are not.  There is no doubt whatever about the Bible teaching that God has chosen an elect people..."

Systematic Theology, Vol. VII, p. 133


"In the first instance, it is well to observe that God did not create the human will as an instrument to defeat Himself; it was created rather as a means by which He might realize His own worthy purposes. Through as Sovereign He could do so, God does not coerce the human will; He rather works within the individual both to will and to do of His good pleasure (cf. Phil. 2:13). An efficacious call to salvation, then, is a call which none ever finally resists (cf. Rom. 8:30). Everyone whom God predestinates He calls, and everyone whom He calls He justifies and glorifies. There could not be failure in one instance among the millions who are called. The vision which He creates in the heart and the limitless persuasion He exercises induce a favorable reaction on the part of all thus called, which reaction is rendered infinitely certain. The important truth to be observed in all of this is that, though divine persuasion be limitless, it still remains persuasion, and so when a decision is secured for Christ in the individual he exercises his own will apart from even a shadow of constraint. The divine invitation still is true that "whoever will may come." However, it also is true that none will ever come apart from this divine call, and that the call is extended only to His elect. What God's righteous relation is to those whom He does not call is another doctrine quite removed from the teaching of election."

Systematic Theology, Vol. VII, p. 136

* Read Matthew 20:1-16.


Dan R. Smedra


"You who are trying to be justified by the law have been aliened from Christ; you have fallen away from grace."  Gal. 5:4.  Much confusion abounds regarding the meaning of "fallen away from grace."  The Apostle Paul used this phrase only once throughout his epistles and it came as a rebuke to the eternally-secure, born-again Christians in the churches scattered throughout the Roman province of Galatia.  These Christians had not lost their salvation (a heresy common posited by humanistic-oriented sects), but rather they had returned, due to the negative influence of a band of interlopers, to the illusion that by their "free will" they could adequately keep the law and thereby merit righteousness before God.  The Holy Spirit, through the Apostle Paul, firmly rebuked this heresy as a "different gospel--which is really no gospel at all."  Paul informed them of the consequences of their doctrinal retreat.  They were now  "aliened from Christ" (1 John 1:6) and had "fallen away from grace."

The Apostle to the Gentiles had carefully explained to these believers the fundamental truth that "Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin..." (Gal. 3:22, Rom. 11:32) as well as the law's instrumentality in this form of bondage (Gal.3:23).  Since when are prisoners considered "free"?  Since when do prisoners have unfettered wills?  They don't and never have!  Therefore, "that what was promised, being given [by election, mercy, and grace] through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe."  If you assert "free will," you reject the declaration of Scripture that "the whole [Adamic] world is a prisoner of sin," which in turn opens the door to "works" of the law and thereby alienates you from both Christ and grace.  I kid you not, it is truly heart-breaking to witness believers falling "away from grace" in this hour!

It may seem 'old fashion', but the true Gospel of Grace is non-negotiable.  See SOVEREIGNTY, RESPONSIBILITY & FREE WILL 


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